Law and Justice News

Older Law and Justice Articles

Law and Justice Cassandra Etienne Law and Justice Cassandra Etienne

Free Justin Rodwell: a family’s year-long quest for justice

It's been a year since Justin Rodwell was detained at Essex County Correctional Facility. Arrested after an incident described in the media as a "mob" attack on police, Rodwell maintains that he acted in self-defense. In the past year, he's missed precious moments with his children: His daughter's first prom and eighth grade graduation, his toddler's first steps. And he is missed by family and friends who continue to call for their loved one's immediate release.

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Law and Justice Emma Uk Law and Justice Emma Uk

New Jersey legislators need to pass police reform now

TRENTON—Despite a ban on racial profiling in policing in New Jersey, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in January that law enforcement cannot stop people because of their race, ethnicity or gender, overturning the conviction of two Black men accused of robbing a 7-Eleven in 2011. The incident highlights the issue of racial profiling in law enforcement.

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Law and Justice Public Square Amplified team Law and Justice Public Square Amplified team

Legislators seek to expand the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) eligibility requirements

Nationally, low-income families face deep inequality, low wages, collapsed jobs and more. These families braced the economic consequences of the global pandemic and now prepare for the impact of inflation. According to the Poor People’s Campaign, “Rising inequality is associated with slower overall economic growth and more persistent poverty.”

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