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Public Square Amplified team Public Square Amplified team

At the kitchen table with Dr. Willa Cofield - Part two

Public Square Amplified continued its conversation with Dr. Cofield, asking her to draw parallels between past and present racist practices and to share her thoughts on whether today’s generation has the ability to organize, protest, and effectively fight for their rights.

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Public Square Amplified team Public Square Amplified team

At the kitchen table with Dr. Willa Cofield - Part one

Dr. Willa Cofield describes Enfield, the North Carolina town where she was born and raised, as a close-knit community shaped by familial ties, shared cultural norms, a spirit of entrepreneurship, and the Black church as its anchor.

Public Square Amplified sat down with Cofield to learn more about how she fought for civil rights, and how present-day advocates can learn from her strategies and be inspired by her quiet ferocity.

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Zoe Van Gelder Zoe Van Gelder

Two Jersey City teens are building a space for community with global impact

Growing up as the children of immigrants, Jersey City teenagers Eza Iqbal and Arjun Krishnakumar had so much experience translating for their parents that they sometimes turned it into a game. At school, they watched classmates be pulled out of lessons for a single period of English-language instruction, thinking that couldn’t possibly be enough.

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Democracy and Politics Ianthe Philips Democracy and Politics Ianthe Philips

News Poem | Witnessing

The U.S. news cycle proves to be a continuing barrage of the absurd and alarming. Unclaimed drones share headlines with warnings of a looming purge of civil servants and replacement by reprobate sycophants. At the same time, relentless coverage of an alleged 26-year-old assassin hints at the undercurrent of an unspoken rage, even among those assailed as being “woke.”

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