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Opinion Siva Jonnada Opinion Siva Jonnada

Don’t believe the critics: New Jersey’s ban of single-use plastic bags is a success

In 2020, New Jersey legislators enacted a ban on single-use plastic bags. It's working, says Siva Jonnada in a new column for Public Square Amplified. Critics cite a flawed study to suggest otherwise, though. "Like any new law, there are going to be problems which need to be overcome, but the early flaws that critics are finding are no reason to claim the plastic bag ban is a 'spectacular failure,'" he writes. "On the contrary, I am sure we will find more successes than failures and will continue to see concrete results."

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Health and Education Sasha Sharif Health and Education Sasha Sharif

Where have all the midwives gone? The campaign against Black midwives and its impact on Black maternal outcomes

As increasing attention at the national and state level is focused on the racial disparities in maternal health care, New Jersey continues to be plagued with staggering maternal and infant mortality rates. Currently ranked 29th in the country for maternal deaths, New Jersey has one of the widest racial disparities for maternal and infant mortality, with Black mothers in New Jersey nearly seven times more likely than White mothers to die from maternity-related complications. Black babies in New Jersey are nearly three times more likely than White babies to die before their first birthday. 

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Democracy and Politics Lawrence Hamm Democracy and Politics Lawrence Hamm

Hamm rallies Dem voters to vote “uncommitted” in presidential primary

In this exclusive column for Public Square Amplified, senatorial candidate Lawrence Hamm, founder of the People’s Organization for Progress, explains his decision to vote “uncommitted” in the upcoming New Jersey presidential primary, taking place June 4. Hamm is the only candidate in the primary who has said he will vote “uncommitted” to protest the war in Gaza.

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Democracy and Politics Emma Uk Democracy and Politics Emma Uk

New Jersey women journalists unpack racialization in newsrooms: Part 2

In part one of this series, we featured stories of success, struggle and purpose from three remarkable women journalists who built their careers in primarily white-male-dominated newsrooms. For part two, we sat down with three more remarkable women journalists in the state working to establish a more equitable and inclusive media landscape that centers the narratives of communities being pushed to exist on the periphery of mainstream media.

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Democracy and Politics Emma Uk Democracy and Politics Emma Uk

New Jersey women journalists confront the politics and economics of gender in journalism: Part 1

In light of the importance of journalism for a cohesive civil society, healthy democracy, well-informed public and transparent government, some of New Jersey's most remarkable women journalists reporting on cities and communities around the state will share their stories of success, struggle, purpose and wisdom: What drives their work despite the challenges, the importance of white and non-white women in journalism, and tips and insights for others looking for support and inspiration in the field.

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