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Climate and Environment Mounira Elsamra Climate and Environment Mounira Elsamra

A river cleanup effort is raising awareness and pushing for action on flooding

Flooding in areas of Morristown has caused significant damage to property — and forced many Black residents to leave over the years. Residents use the annual Whippany River cleanup to raise awareness of the flooding problem — and push government officials to address it. In this news video, they speak of the history and their hope for resolution.

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Climate and Environment Zoe Van Gelder Climate and Environment Zoe Van Gelder

Marchers call out Biden: Climate justice, now

On Sept. 17, over 75,000 people took to New York City streets to call out President Biden’s failed climate policies. The largest gathering of climate demonstrators since before the COVID-19 pandemic, the March to End Fossil Fuels brought together a cross-section of citizens and activists to demand the president act with urgency to reverse his recent decisions regarding projects detrimental to the climate, move to bring an end to fossil fuels, and declare a climate emergency.

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Climate and Environment Esther Paul Climate and Environment Esther Paul

Newark SAS hosts its 11th annual sustainability conference

For the 11th year in a row, the Newark Science and Sustainability organization (NewarkSAS) held its annual Sustainable Living Empowerment conference on Thursday, June 22, in virtual mode. The conversation titled 'Branching communities together through sustainability' centered on creating a sustainable food economy, environmental advocacy actions, and processes to engage communities in these efforts.

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Climate and Environment Emma Uk Climate and Environment Emma Uk

Every time it rains, it floods: Who bears the cost?

Heavy rainfall, runoff, urban flooding, overbank flooding and drainage problems threaten several areas in Camden County, but the City of Camden—one of 37 municipalities in the county—has the greatest number of residents living in a floodplain. Like a peninsula, water surrounds the city, such as the Delaware River, Cooper River and Newton Creek. But residents aren't just taking in floodwater. There's raw sewage in the mix. As an overburdened Black and brown community with about 36% of residents living below the poverty level, residents, environmental specialists and community nonprofits say it's an environmental justice issue.

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