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Exploring the power of visual storytelling: Q&A with Syrian American filmmaker Fatimah Zeni | Part One
Fatimah Zeni is a Syrian American filmmaker who recently released her first short feature, “Amal,” a character-driven drama centering on a father and daughter and the unique way in which they cope with incoming bombs in Aleppo, Syria.
Two Jersey City teens are building a space for community with global impact
Growing up as the children of immigrants, Jersey City teenagers Eza Iqbal and Arjun Krishnakumar had so much experience translating for their parents that they sometimes turned it into a game. At school, they watched classmates be pulled out of lessons for a single period of English-language instruction, thinking that couldn’t possibly be enough.
Book Review | Tip of the Spear
Tip of the Spear—Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt, by Dr. Orisanmi Burton, draws on direct interviews, archival research, and state sources associated with Attica and other prisons to deconstruct state repression tactics that form the foundation of the prison system.
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