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Dr. Willa Cofield describes Enfield, the North Carolina town where she was born and raised, as a close-knit community shaped by familial ties, shared cultural norms, a spirit of entrepreneurship, and the Black church as its anchor.
Public Square Amplified sat down with Cofield to learn more about how she fought for civil rights, and how present-day advocates can learn from her strategies and be inspired by her quiet ferocity.
News Poem
Since childhood
I’d watch the rain droplets
race one another down the window
I’d watch droplets swallow one another in the
race along the pane
Our car zoomed along the highway, the
speed and wind forcing
Crashes among the droplets against one another
The clouds would be blotched against the sky,
grey and white
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Growing up as the children of immigrants, Jersey City teenagers Eza Iqbal and Arjun Krishnakumar had so much experience translating for their parents that they sometimes turned it into a game. At school, they watched classmates be pulled out of lessons for a single period of English-language instruction, thinking that couldn’t possibly be enough.
Tip of the Spear—Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt, by Dr. Orisanmi Burton, draws on direct interviews, archival research, and state sources associated with Attica and other prisons to deconstruct state repression tactics that form the foundation of the prison system.
When trainee doctor Moumita Debnath’s half-naked, mutilated body was found last August at a medical college in Kolkata, shock reverberated across India. But the outrage didn’t stop there, with news of her death sparking protests in major cities across the globe and in the tristate area.
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In 2023, approximately 2.5 local newspapers shut down each week. This national downhill trend has continued in 2024 and is hitting home in New Jersey. Decisions made by the Newark Morning Ledger Co. and NJ Advance Media have led to the print closures and full closures of multiple local New Jersey news outlets.
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